Source code for fieldkit.analyze

Functions to analyze a field (identify domains, compute isosurfaces, etc)

from .field import *

from skimage import measure

# Need to increase recursion limit for burning algorithm
import sys

[docs] def calc_domain_stats(field, density_threshold, plotMesh=False,outputMesh=False,add_periodic_domains=False, applyPBC=True): ''' calculate properties of domains using a mesh Adapted from ''' dim = field.dim h = field.h ndomains, domainID, image_flags, domainBorder = identify_discrete_domains(field, density_threshold) com = np.zeros((ndomains, dim)) surface_area = np.zeros(ndomains) volume = np.zeros(ndomains) volume_nomesh = np.zeros(ndomains) IQ = np.zeros(ndomains) #for each domain for idomain in range(0,ndomains): # calc center of domain com[idomain,:] = _calc_domain_center(idomain+1, field, domainID, image_flags, units='coord') if dim == 2: # mesh domain contours,density_centered = _mesh_single_domain(field, idomain+1, density_threshold, domainID, image_flags,domainBorder, wrap_before_mesh=applyPBC) assert (len(contours) == 1), "The contour should only be one curve, if not the area and volume calculations will be completely wrong!" # get surface area (perimeter) and volume (area) surface_area[idomain] = _contour_perimeter(contours[0]) volume[idomain] = _contour_area(contours[0]) if plotMesh: # draw surface behind the mesh _plot_contours_2D(field,contours,filename="mesh.{}.png".format(idomain+1),surface=density_centered) if dim == 3: # mesh domain verts, faces, normals, values,density_centered = _mesh_single_domain(field, idomain+1, density_threshold, domainID, image_flags,domainBorder,wrap_before_mesh=applyPBC) # get surface area, volume and isoperimetric quotient surface_area[idomain] = measure.mesh_surface_area(verts, faces) volume[idomain] = _mesh_volume(verts,faces) if plotMesh: _plot_mesh_3D(field, verts,faces, filename="mesh.{}.png".format(idomain+1)) if outputMesh: _write_mesh(verts,faces,fileprefix="mesh.{}.".format(idomain+1)) IQ[idomain] = _calc_IQ(dim,surface_area[idomain], volume[idomain]) # should work for 2d and 3d volume_nomesh[idomain] = _voxel_volume(field, idomain+1, domainID) # get volume from voxels # sanity check to make sure that volume is reasonable if not np.isclose(volume_nomesh[idomain], volume[idomain], rtol=0.2): print(f"WARNING: the volume computed via mesh is >20% different from volume from voxels {volume[idomain]} != {volume_nomesh[idomain]}. Check the mesh to make sure the domain mesh is fully closed.") if add_periodic_domains: for idomain in range(1,ndomains+1): extracom = _pbc_domain_locs(idomain,com[idomain-1]) if extracom: com = np.concatenate((com,extracom)) extra_num = len(extracom) IQ = np.concatenate((IQ,[IQ[idomain-1]]*extra_num)) surface_area = np.concatenate((surface_area,[surface_area[idomain-1]]*extra_num)) volume = np.concatenate((volume,[volume[idomain-1]]*extra_num)) stats = {'ndomains': ndomains, 'center': com, 'surface_area': surface_area, 'volume': volume, 'volume_nomesh':volume_nomesh, 'IQ':IQ} return stats
def _calc_domain_center(idomain, field, domainID, image_flags, units='box'): ''' given a domain index, apply PBC and return the center of mass Can return result in 'box' units (0 to Nx) or in 'coord' units (0 to boxl) ''' h = field.h isdomain = (domainID == idomain) N = np.sum(isdomain) indicies = np.transpose(np.nonzero(isdomain)) dim = len(domainID.shape) Nx = domainID.shape coords = np.zeros((N,dim)) #TODO could I do this without for loop? (will be faster) for i in range(N): index = tuple(indicies[i]) if units == "box": coord = index + image_flags[index] * Nx elif units == "coord": # this was orig (for orthorhombic boxes #coord = self.__coords[index] + self.__image_flags[index] * self.__boxl # new for non-orthorhombic boxes (check that this works for orthorhombic though!) #shift = np.array(np.mat(self.__hvoxel.T) * np.mat(image_flags[index] * Nx).T).T #shift = np.array(np.mat(h.T) * np.mat(image_flags[index]).T).T # depreciated np.mat shift =, image_flags[index]) coord = field.coords[index] + shift else: raise ValueError("Invalid units entry of \'%s\'" % units) coords[i] = coord # now average in order to get center of the domain (each point weighted evenly) return np.average(coords,axis=0) def _mesh_single_domain(field, idomain, density_threshold, domainID, image_flags,domainBorder, wrap_before_mesh=True): ''' Function to: 1) apply PBC to the domains so that an entire domain is continuous (ie not split across boundaries) 2) Grab a little margin around each domain (the domain's "border") so that marching cubes can interpolate. The border is computed in identifyAndIndexDomains(). 3) Mesh the domain using marching cubes ''' Nx = field.npw h = field.h dim = field.dim hvoxel = field.hvoxel() # TODO: remove all uses of hvoxel isdomain = (domainID == idomain) #isborder = (self.__borderID == idomain) isborder = np.zeros(Nx,dtype=bool) # convert to tuple to correctly set indicies of isborder isborder[tuple(domainBorder[idomain-1])] = True alldensity = # WARNING only taking real # center box and properties around center of mass (so that domains don't cross pbc) # np.roll is the key function here # if domains percolate then this will break com_box = _calc_domain_center(idomain,field, domainID, image_flags, units='box') #com_coord = self.calcDomainCOM(idomain,units='coord') #coords_tmp = np.copy(self.__coords) for i in range(dim): shift = int(0.5*Nx[i] - com_box[i]) isdomain = np.roll(isdomain,shift,axis=i) isborder = np.roll(isborder,shift,axis=i) #coords_tmp = np.roll(coords_tmp,shift,axis=i) alldensity = np.roll(alldensity,shift,axis=i) # isolate the domain of interest isdomain_or_isborder = isdomain + isborder # since both bool, sum is the union of the two fields mydensity = np.zeros(Nx) mydensity[isdomain_or_isborder] = alldensity[isdomain_or_isborder] # mesh! (using scikit-image) if dim == 2: # calculate contours in 'box' units contours = measure.find_contours(mydensity, density_threshold) # convert 'box' units to 'coords' units (this is key for non-orthorhombic cells) for i,c in enumerate(contours): #contours[i] = np.array((np.mat(hvoxel).T * np.mat(c).T).T) #old depreciated use of np.mat contours[i] =, hvoxel) return contours, alldensity elif dim == 3: #from skimage import measure #verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(mydensity, self.__density_threshold, spacing = self.__gridspacing) # do not use spacing=self.__gridspacing, let marching cubes calculate verticies in 'box' units (0,Nx) verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes(mydensity, density_threshold) # convert 'box' units to 'coords' units (this is key for non-orthorhombic cells) for i,v in enumerate(verts): #verts[i] = np.array((np.mat(hvoxel).T * np.mat(v).T).T) # depreciated np.mat verts[i] =,v) n = normals[i] #normals[i] = np.array((np.mat(hvoxel).T * np.mat(n).T).T) # depreciated np.mat normals[i] =,n) return verts, faces, normals, values, alldensity else: raise ValueError("Meshing makes no sense in 1 dimension!") def _contour_perimeter(contour): '''calculate perimeter of contour by suming up the line-segment lengths ''' assert (np.all(contour[0] == contour[-1])), "Contour must be closed! (1st point == last point)" #TODO vectorize this for loop p = 0.0 n=contour.shape[0] for i in range(n-1): v = contour[i+1] - contour[i] p += np.sqrt(np.square(v).sum()) return p def _contour_area(contour): ''' Calculate area of shape enclosed in contour similar to calculating mesh volume use trick from ''' assert (np.all(contour[0] == contour[-1])), "Contour must be closed! (1st point == last point)" #TODO vectorize this for loop area = 0.0 n=contour.shape[0] for i in range(n-1): area += np.cross(contour[i],contour[i+1]) return 0.5*np.abs(area) def _mesh_volume(verts, faces): '''calculate volume of a mesh, using cross product trick ''' actual_verts = verts[faces] v0 = actual_verts[:,0,:] v1 = actual_verts[:,1,:] v2 = actual_verts[:,2,:] # TODO: dont do the volume rescaling here, instead change the actual position of "verts" in getDomainStats my scaling each vert position by h (or something along these lines) # introduce factor to scale the volume if non-orthorhombic box # this is because the mesh is generated assuming a #if self.__orthorhombic: # factor=1.0 #else: # factor = self.__volvoxel / factor=1.0 # FIXME, assumes cell is orthorhombic. Uncomment lines above to fix # 1/6 \sum v0 \cdot (v1 x v2) return factor * 1.0/6.0 * np.abs( (v0*np.cross(v1,v2)).sum(axis=1).sum() ) def _voxel_volume(field, idomain, regionID): ''' Get volume of idomain using voxels ''' #v_voxel = # volume of single voxel v_voxel = np.linalg.det(field.h) / field.npw_total #v_voxel = self.__volvoxel n_voxel = np.sum(regionID == idomain) # number of voxels in ith domain return v_voxel*n_voxel def _calc_IQ(dim, area, vol): '''returns isoperimetric coefficient. 1 for perfect circle or sphere, less for other shapes note that in 2d "area" is actually perimeter, and "vol" is actually area This difference didn't seem to warrant a completely different method though ''' if dim == 2: return 4.0*np.pi*vol / (area * area) elif dim == 3: return 36.0*np.pi * vol*vol / (area * area * area) def _plot_contours_2D(field, contours, surface=None, filename=None): ''' Plot a mesh from marching squares ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Nx = field.npw hvoxel = field.hvoxel() # Display the image and plot all contours found fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect(1) if surface is not None: x = np.arange(Nx[0]) y = np.arange(Nx[1]) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y) # nice one-liner to rotate all of xx and yy using hvoxel xxrot,yyrot = np.einsum('ji, mni -> jmn', hvoxel.T, np.dstack([xx, yy])) # using pcolormesh allows us to use non-orthorhombic boxes im=ax.pcolormesh(xxrot,yyrot,surface.T,shading='auto') fig.colorbar(im,ax=ax) # imshow only worked for orthorhombic boxes #ax.imshow(surface.T, interpolation='nearest') for n, contour in enumerate(contours): ax.plot(contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1], linewidth=2, color='k',ls='--',marker='o') #ax.axis('image') #ax.set_xticks([]) #ax.set_yticks([]) if not filename: else: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() def _plot_mesh_3D(field, verts, faces, filename=None): ''' Plot a mesh from marching cubes ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection assert(field.is_orthorhombic()) assert(field.dim == 3) boxl = np.diag(field.h) # Display resulting triangular mesh using Matplotlib. This can also be done # with mayavi (see skimage.measure.marching_cubes_lewiner docstring). fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Fancy indexing: `verts[faces]` to generate a collection of triangles mesh = Poly3DCollection(verts[faces]) mesh.set_edgecolor('k') ax.add_collection3d(mesh) ax.set_xlim(0, boxl[0]) ax.set_ylim(0, boxl[1]) ax.set_zlim(0, boxl[2]) plt.tight_layout() if not filename: else: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() def _write_Mesh(verts,faces,fileprefix="mesh."): '''save mesh to a file''' np.savetxt(fileprefix + "verts.dat",verts,header='Autogenerated mesh file. Contains x y z positions of each vertex' ) np.savetxt(fileprefix + "faces.dat",faces, header='Autogenerated mesh file. Contains vertex indicies of each triangle in mesh')
[docs] def identify_discrete_domains(field, density_threshold): ''' Identify all discrete domains present within a field given a density threshold Uses the "burning algorithm". Adapted from Also sets (1) image_flags (which PBC a domain belongs to) and (2) isborder (whether a grid is adjacent to a domain) Though these are not currently used outside of this function Args: field: field to identify domains of density_threshold: threshold used to define domains Returns: ndomains: the number of discrete domains domainID: a ndarray of shape equal to containing the index of that domain. If domainID == 0, it is the continuous domain. Points with domainID == i, correspond to the ith domain imageflags: imageflags in each dimension ''' isdomain_array = > density_threshold # WARNING: only taking real Nx = field.npw dim = field.dim # if domainID == -1, it has not been visited domainID = np.full(Nx,-1, dtype=np.int32) # image_flags are only for the domains themselves, the image flags of the border are not needed image_flags = np.zeros(list(Nx) + [dim]) domainBorder = [[]] domain_number = 1; #this is where the recursive magic happens for i in np.ndindex(Nx): if (domainID[i] == -1): if (isdomain_array[i]): current_image_flag = np.zeros(dim) _spread_domain(i, domain_number, isdomain_array,current_image_flag, domainID, image_flags, domainBorder, Nx); domainBorder.append([]) domain_number += 1; else: # note - dont assign borders here, this is acomplished inside of spread_domain() domainID[i] = 0; image_flags[i]= np.zeros(dim) # now cleaning up ndomains = domain_number-1; # remove last element from lists (should be empty) assert (domainBorder[-1] == []) del domainBorder[-1] # check that lengths of domain structs are correct assert (len(domainBorder) == ndomains) # convert border and imageflag lists to numpy arrays for i in range(ndomains): domainBorder[i] = np.array(domainBorder[i]).transpose() return ndomains, domainID, image_flags, domainBorder
def _spread_domain(coord_center, domain_number, isdomain_array,current_image_flag, domainID, image_flags, domainBorder, Nx): ''' recursive function: given a point, find the neighbors of that point, for each neighbor, send back into function WARNING: domainID and image_flags must be passed by reference ''' domainID[coord_center] = domain_number; image_flags[coord_center] = current_image_flag neighbors,neigh_image_flags = _get_neighbors(coord_center, current_image_flag, Nx); for i in range(len(neighbors)): neighbor = neighbors[i] image_flag = tuple(neigh_image_flags[i]) if (domainID[neighbor] == -1): if (isdomain_array[neighbor]): _spread_domain(neighbor, domain_number, isdomain_array, image_flag, domainID, image_flags, domainBorder, Nx); else: domainID[neighbor] = 0; if domainID[neighbor] == 0: # only append to list if neighbor isn't in there already if neighbor not in domainBorder[domain_number-1]: # must have neighbors that are domain (since spread domain is only called # if coord_center is a domain). Therefore, it's a border domainBorder[domain_number-1].append(neighbor) # set image flags of non-domain adjacent to domain according to the domain # basically, I need the border to have the correct image flags # NOTE: image flags of borders aren't used anymore #self.__domainBorderImageFlags[domain_number-1].append(image_flag) def _get_neighbors(coord_center,center_image_flag, Nx): ''' given a coord (tuple), return 1) the neighbors of that coord (also tuple) AND 2) the image_flag (which PBC) that neighbor corresponds to ''' dim = len(coord_center) neighbors = []; neigh_image_flags = np.tile(center_image_flag, (2*dim,1)) for i in range(dim): coord_neigh = np.copy(coord_center) coord_neigh[i] -= 1; _apply_pbc(coord_neigh, neigh_image_flags[2*i], Nx); neighbors.append(tuple(coord_neigh)) coord_neigh = np.copy(coord_center) coord_neigh[i] += 1 _apply_pbc(coord_neigh, neigh_image_flags[2*i+1], Nx) neighbors.append(tuple(coord_neigh)) return neighbors, neigh_image_flags def _apply_pbc(coord,image_flag, Nx): ''' apply periodic boundary conditions in index space. helper function for get_neighbors''' dim = len(coord) for i in range(dim): if coord[i] >= Nx[i]: coord[i] = 0 image_flag[i] += 1 if coord[i] < 0: coord[i] = Nx[i] - 1 image_flag[i] -= 1 def _pbc_domain_locs(field, idomain,regionID, image_flags, local_com): '''This function returns the locations of the other domains on the periodic boundary. for example for a domain with its center on the corner of the box, it would return all the other box corners''' dim = field.dim hvoxel = field.hvoxel() # TODO: remove all uses of hvoxel Nx = field.npw extra_com = [] domain = (regionID == idomain) local_flags = image_flags[domain] # unique_flags contains a minimal list of the PBC that we want to add new domains to unique_flags = set([]) for i in range(np.shape(local_flags)[0]): unique_flags.add(tuple(local_flags[i])) if dim == 2: unique_flags.remove((0,0))#remove duplicate com elif dim == 3: unique_flags.remove((0,0,0))#remove duplicate com #pdb.set_trace() for flag in unique_flags: flag = np.array(flag) # old - trenton #new_com = -1*flag*self.__boxl+local_com #find the location of the extra periodic com by adding the box length times the flag to the current com # new - without assuming orthorhombic box shift = np.array(hvoxel.T * (flag * Nx).T).T shift = np.reshape(shift,(dim,)) new_com = local_com - shift #note minus shift to follow trentons convention extra_com.append(new_com) num_extra = len(extra_com) return extra_com