Source code for fieldkit.fileio

Functions to read/write fields to files

import numpy as np
import logging
import sys
import os

from .field import *

[docs] def read_from_file(filename): """ Reads from textfile and output a list of Field objects. Adapted from Args: filename: String for name of file to be read through this function. Returns: field_list: A list of Fields objects. """ # Check whether the file is gzipped and handle that seamlessly f = open(filename,'r') # Now parse the header to obtain the grid dimension and other format information version=int(f.readline().strip().split()[3]) nfields=int(f.readline().strip().split()[3]) dim=int(f.readline().strip().split()[3]) npw=f.readline().strip().split()[4:4+dim] npw=[int(i) for i in npw] # Convert all list entries to int M = kspacedata=True complexdata=True flagsline=f.readline().strip().split() if flagsline[4] == "0": kspacedata=False if flagsline[9] == "0": complexdata=False f.readline() # Skip the last header line" * Format version = {}".format(version))" * Number of fields = {}".format(nfields))" * Number of spatial dimensions = {}".format(dim)) if dim == 3:" * Grid dimension = {}x{}x{}".format(*npw)) elif dim == 2:" * Grid dimension = {}x{}".format(*npw))" * K-space data? ",kspacedata)" * Complex data? ",complexdata) if kspacedata: sys.stderr.write("\nError: k-space data is not supported\n") sys.exit(1) # Get the grid coordinates and the fields AllData = np.loadtxt(f) coords_flat = AllData[:,:dim] fields_flat = AllData[:,dim:] # note data is stored along COLUMNS # if complex, combine columns into complex-valued data if complexdata: assert(2*nfields == fields_flat.shape[1]) tmp = np.zeros((M,nfields),dtype=complex) for ifield in range(nfields): tmp[:,ifield].real = fields_flat[:,2*ifield] tmp[:,ifield].imag = fields_flat[:,2*ifield + 1] fields_flat = tmp # calculate h (cell tensor) from coords coords = np.reshape(coords_flat ,list(npw) + [dim]) # reshape coords for easier usage if dim == 1: hvoxel = np.array([coords[1]]) elif dim == 2: hvoxel = np.array([coords[1,0],coords[0,1]]) elif dim == 3: hvoxel = np.array([coords[1,0,0],coords[0,1,0],coords[0,0,1]]) h = hvoxel * npw # now create field objects in a list field_list = [] for ifield in range(nfields): # reshape data before creating field data = np.reshape(fields_flat[:,ifield] , npw) field_list.append(Field(h=h,npw=npw,data=data)) return field_list
[docs] def write_to_file(filename, fields): """ Creates a text file based on the fields variable. Adapted from Args: filename: String for name of file to be written through this function. fields: A list of Fields objects. Returns: A text file based on fields. Raises: TypeError: if fields is not a list, than make it a one element list. """ try: nfields = len(fields) except TypeError: fields = [fields] nfields = len(fields) print(f"Writting {nfields} fields to {filename}") # confirm that all fields have same dimension and coords for i in range(nfields): if (i !=0 ): assert (fields[i].dim == fields[i-1].dim) assert (fields[i].npw == fields[i-1].npw) assert (np.all(fields[i].h == fields[i-1].h)) assert (np.all(fields[i].is_real_space == fields[i-1].is_real_space)) assert (np.all(fields[i].data.dtype == fields[i-1].data.dtype)) assert (np.all(fields[i].coords == fields[i-1].coords)) # set values dim = fields[0].dim npw = fields[0].npw h = fields[0].h coords = fields[0].coords assert(fields[0].is_real_space), "Can only currently write real space fields" is_real_space = True if fields[0].data.dtype == complex: complexdata = True else: complexdata = False kspacedata = (not is_real_space) M = # begin writing fout = open(filename,'w') fout.write("# Format version 3\n") fout.write("# nfields = {0}\n".format(nfields)) fout.write("# NDim = {0}\n".format(dim)) fout.write("# PW grid = ") for i in range(dim): fout.write("{0} ".format(npw[i])) fout.write("\n# k-space data = {0} , complex data = {1}\n".format(int(kspacedata),int(complexdata))) # Output coords and fields if dim == 1: fout.write("# Columns: x fielddata\n") for ix in range(0,npw[0]): fout.write("%12.10g " % coords[ix][0]) for n in range(nfields): if complexdata: fout.write("%16.10g " % fields[n].data[ix].real) fout.write("%16.10g " % fields[n].data[ix].imag) else: fout.write("%16.10g " % fields[n].data[ix]) fout.write("\n") elif dim == 2: fout.write("# Columns: x y fielddata\n") for ix in range(0,npw[0]): for iy in range(0,npw[1]): fout.write("%12.10g %12.10g " % (coords[ix,iy,0], coords[ix,iy,1])) for n in range(nfields): if complexdata: fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy].real)) fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy].imag)) else: fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy])) fout.write("\n") fout.write("\n") elif dim == 3: fout.write("# Columns: x y z fielddata\n") for ix in range(0,npw[0]): for iy in range(0,npw[1]): for iz in range(0,npw[2]): fout.write("%12.10g %12.10g %12.10g" % (coords[ix,iy,iz,0], coords[ix,iy,iz,1],coords[ix,iy,iz,2])) for n in range(nfields): if complexdata: fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy,iz].real)) fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy,iz].imag)) else: fout.write("%16.10g " % (fields[n].data[ix,iy,iz])) fout.write("\n") fout.write("\n") fout.close()
[docs] def get_PolyFTS_to_VTK_IdxMap(M,Nx): idx=np.zeros(M,dtype=np.uint64) ndim = len(Nx) if ndim == 1: for ix in range(Nx[0]): idx[ix] = ix elif ndim == 2: #looks good m=0 for iy in range(Nx[1]): for ix in range(Nx[0]): idx[m] = ix*Nx[1] + iy m+=1 elif ndim == 3: m=0 for iz in range(Nx[2]): for iy in range(Nx[1]): for ix in range(Nx[0]): idx[m] = ix*Nx[1]*Nx[2] + iy*Nx[2] + iz #idx[m] = iz*Nx[0]*Nx[1] + iy*Nx[0] + ix m+=1 return idx
[docs] def write_to_VTK(filename, fields): """ Creates a VTK file based on the fields variable. Adapted from FTS-tools/plot/ Args: filename: String for name of file to be written through this function. fields: A list of Fields objects. Returns: A VTK file based on fields. """ #Check if vtk file is already in current directory #if os.path.isfile(filename): # print("File '{}' already exist, file will be overwritten".format(filename)) #Check if fields in Field object are compatible for VTK for i in range(1,len(fields)): assert(fields[i-1].npw == fields[i].npw) assert((fields[i-1].h == fields[i].h).all()) #parameters dim = fields[0].dim npw = fields[0].npw orthorhombic = True binary = False M = fields[0].npw_total AllCoords = fields[0].coords #Create AllFields fielddata = [] for f in range(len(fields)): data = fields[f].data.flatten().reshape(fields[0].npw_total, 1).real fielddata.append(data) AllFields = np.concatenate(fielddata, axis=1) nfields = AllFields.shape[-1] #determine spacing if orthorhombic == True: if dim == 1: spacing = (AllCoords[1][0]) #2d array (x, field_index) if dim == 2: spacing = (AllCoords[1,0][0], AllCoords[0,1][1]) #3d array (x,y, field_index) if dim == 3: #spacing = (AllCoords[1,0,0][2], AllCoords[0,1,0][1], AllCoords[0,0,1][0]) spacing = (max(AllCoords[1,0,0]), max(AllCoords[0,1,0]), max(AllCoords[0,0,1])) #4d if np.any(np.isclose(spacing,0.0)): raise RuntimeError (f"Error! One of the grid spacings is close to zero: {spacing}") #spacing = (AllCoords[1,0,0][2], AllCoords[0,1,0][1], AllCoords[0,0,1][0])"Mesh spacing {}".format(spacing)) #Manipulating AllFields and AllCoords AllCoords = np.ravel(AllCoords) AllCoords = np.reshape(AllCoords,(M,dim )) AllFields = np.ravel(AllFields) AllFields = np.reshape(AllFields,(M,nfields)) #Generate mapping from PolyFTS order to VTK order IdxMap = get_PolyFTS_to_VTK_IdxMap(M,npw) # Remap field samples from PolyFTS order to VTK order AllCoords = AllCoords[IdxMap,:] AllFields = AllFields[IdxMap,:] AllCoords = AllCoords.T AllFields = AllFields.T #Write VTK file o = open(filename,"w") if orthorhombic: o.write("# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n") o.write("PolyFTS field data\n") o.write("ASCII\n") o.write("DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n") if dim == 1: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} 1 1\n".format(*npw)) o.write("ORIGIN 0\n") o.write("SPACING {} 0 0\n".format(*spacing)) elif dim == 2: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} {} 1\n".format(*npw)) o.write("ORIGIN 0 0 0\n") o.write("SPACING {} {} 0\n".format(*spacing)) elif dim == 3: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} {} {}\n".format(*npw)) o.write("ORIGIN 0 0 0\n") o.write("SPACING {} {} {}\n".format(*spacing)) o.write("POINT_DATA {0}\n".format(M)) for i in range(nfields): o.write("SCALARS field{0} float 1\n".format(i)) o.write("LOOKUP_TABLE default\n") o.close();o = open(filename,"ab") np.savetxt(o, AllFields[i], fmt="%.11f") o.close();o = open(filename,"a") else: o.write("# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n") o.write("PolyFTS field data\n") if binary: o.write("BINARY\n") else: o.write("ASCII\n") o.write("DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n") if dim == 1: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} 1 1\n".format(*npw)) elif dim == 2: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} {} 1\n".format(*npw)) elif dim == 3: o.write("DIMENSIONS {} {} {}\n".format(*npw)) o.write("POINTS {} double\n".format(M)) # Remap the mesh coordinates to VTK order (Change in the future) AllCoords = AllCoords[:,IdxMap] #np.savetxt('coords.dat',AllCoords.transpose()) # Debug o.close(); o = open(filename,'ab') if binary: AllCoords.transpose().tofile(o) else: np.savetxt(o, AllCoords.transpose(), fmt="%0.11f") o.close(); o = open(filename,'a') o.write("\nPOINT_DATA {0}\n".format(M)) for i in range(nfields): #for i in range(1): # write as scalar #o.write("SCALARS field{0} float 1\n".format(i)) #STARTED TO SEG FAULT WHEN TRYING TO READ SCALARS #o.write("LOOKUP_TABLE default\n") #np.savetxt(o, AllFields[i], fmt="%14.11f") #np.savetxt(o, np.vstack([AllCoords,AllFields[i]]).transpose(), fmt="%14.11f") # write as vector o.write("VECTORS field{0} double\n".format(i)) #writing as vector fixed the seg fault tmp=np.zeros((3,M)) tmp[0,:] = AllFields[i] o.close(); o = open(filename,'ab') if binary: tmp.transpose().tofile(o) else: np.savetxt(o, tmp.transpose(), fmt="%14.11f") o.close(); o = open(filename,'a') o.close()