Source code for fieldkit.manipulate

Functions to manipulate fields

import numpy as np
import copy

from .field import *

[docs] def change_resolution(fields,npw_new): """For a list of Field objects, change the resolution of each Field object. Args: field: a list of Field objects npw_new: a tuple that defines the new resolution of each Field object. Returns: field_new: a list of Field objects with each object set to a resolution of npw_new. """ # if single entry, convert it to a list # TODO: I should probably adda utility function that does this try: nfields = len(fields) except TypeError: fields = [fields] nfields = len(fields) fields_new = [] for field_old in fields: npw_old = field_old.npw npw_new = np.array(npw_new) dim = len(npw_old) assert(dim == len(npw_new)), "dimension of fields must match resoltion" data_old = data_old_k = np.fft.fftn(data_old) data_new_k = np.zeros(npw_new,dtype=complex) # create map for kindex_old in np.ndindex(npw_old): # convert kindex (std FFT ordering) to kprime (unaliased) kprime_old = np.array(kindex_old) for i,k in enumerate(kindex_old): if k <= 0.5*npw_old[i]-1: kprime_old[i] = k else: kprime_old[i] = k - npw_old[i] if np.any(kprime_old >= 0.5*npw_new) or np.any(kprime_old < -0.5*npw_new): # dont copy into data_new, these are frequencies that are cut pass else: # convert kprime (unaliased) to kindex (std FFT ordering) kprime_new = kprime_old kindex_new = np.zeros(dim,dtype=np.int64) for i,k in enumerate(kprime_new): if k >= 0: kindex_new[i] = k else: kindex_new[i] = k + npw_new[i] kindex_new = tuple(kindex_new) data_new_k[kindex_new] = data_old_k[kindex_old] # convert back to real space data_new = np.fft.ifftn(data_new_k) # need to renormalize data since npw changed from fft and ifft data_new *= # create a new field field_new = Field(h=field_old.h, npw=npw_new, data=data_new) fields_new.append(field_new) return fields_new
[docs] def cubic_voxels(fields_old,tol=0.01): """For a list of Field objects, change the resolution of each Field object so that the voxels are approximately cubic Args: field_old: a list of Field objects tol: tolerable error for how cubic you want the voxels to be Returns: field_new: a list of Field objects with each object set to a new resolution that is approximately cubic """ # perform checks on all fields for i in range(len(fields_old)): assert(fields_old[i].is_orthorhombic), "For voxels to be cubic, cell must be orthorhombic" assert(fields_old[i].dim == 3),"dimension must be 3" if i != 1: assert(np.all(fields_old[i].h == fields_old[i-1].h)),"h must be equal for all fields" assert(np.all(fields_old[i].npw == fields_old[i-1].npw)),"h must be equal for all fields" # since all fields have same h and npw, just use first field field_old = fields_old[0] L = np.diag(field_old.h) # L will be constant npw = np.array(field_old.npw) # npw will vary within while loop #print(f"{L = }") # preliminaries L_per_voxel = L / npw diff_per_dim = _calc_cubic_voxel_difference(L_per_voxel) error = np.max(np.abs(diff_per_dim)) npw_attempts = [list(npw)] while error > tol: error_per_dim = np.abs(diff_per_dim) max_error_index = error_per_dim.argmax() if diff_per_dim[max_error_index] < 0: # max error voxel length is too small. need to DECREASE npw in this dim npw[max_error_index] -= 1 else: # max error voxel length is too BIG. need to INCREASE npw in this dim npw[max_error_index] += 1 # if this npw has already been tried, then multiply by two and continue if list(npw) in npw_attempts: npw *= 2 # double all npw and continue # now update error L_per_voxel = L / npw diff_per_dim = _calc_cubic_voxel_difference(L_per_voxel) error = np.max(np.abs(diff_per_dim)) npw_attempts.append(list(npw)) # not casting as list, this makes comparison above easier #print(f"{npw = } {L_per_voxel=} {diff_per_dim=} {error=}") # using the updated npw create new fields fields_new = change_resolution(fields_old,npw) print(f"To make cubic voxels, new grid resolution is {npw}, voxel lengths are {L_per_voxel}, error = {error : .2e}") return fields_new
def _calc_cubic_voxel_difference(L_per_voxel): ''' Helper function to calculate how "uncubic" a voxel is Args: L_per_voxel: array storing the length of each side of voxel. should have 'dim' elements Returns: the error of each dimension (here the absolute value of the deviation of from the median) ''' Lmedian = np.average(L_per_voxel) return L_per_voxel - Lmedian
[docs] def replicate_fields(fields, nreplicates): """ For a list of Fields, replicate each Field object by nreplicates. Adapted from FTS-tools/ and FTS-tools/lib/ Args: fields: a list of Field objects nreplicates: number of replicates Returns: fields_list: a list of Field objects, in which each Field object is replicated by nreplicates amount of times. """ # if single entry, convert it to a list # TODO: I should probably adda utility function that does this try: nfields = len(fields) except TypeError: fields = [fields] nfields = len(fields) field_list = [] #replicate each Field object by nreplicates for f in range(len(fields)): dim = fields[0].dim npw = fields[0].npw h = fields[0].h if dim == 1: rep = nreplicates h = h * nreplicates else: assert(len(nreplicates) == dim) rep = list(nreplicates) fields_new = np.tile(fields[f].data.real, rep) npw_new = np.array(npw) * nreplicates field_obj = Field(npw=npw_new, data=fields_new, h=h) coords_new = field_obj.CoordsFromH() field_obj.set_coords(coords_new) field_list.append(field_obj) return field_list
[docs] def roll(fields, shift): """ roll the fields across the PBC using shift Args: fields: a list of Field objects shift: list of length dim. How much to roll the fields. In range [0-1]. Returns: fields_new: a list of Field objects, in which each Field object has been translated. """ # if single entry, convert it to a list # TODO: I should probably adda utility function that does this try: nfields = len(fields) except TypeError: fields = [fields] nfields = len(fields) fields_new = [] for field in fields: npw = field.npw dim = field.dim assert(len(shift) == dim) field_new = copy.deepcopy(field) # ensure deep copy myshift=np.zeros(dim,dtype=int) # must be an integer myaxis = tuple(np.arange(dim)) for idim in myaxis: myshift[idim] = int(shift[idim]*npw[idim]) = np.roll(, myshift, axis=myaxis) fields_new.append(field_new) return fields_new
[docs] def expand_dimension(fields, dim_new, npw_new, boxl_new): """Convert a field to one of a higher dimension (e.g. 1d to 2d or 3d) Args: fields: list of field arguments dim_new (list): new dimension of fields (must be higher than input dimension) npw_new (list): npw for each new dimension created boxl_new (list): box length for each new dimension created Returns: fields_new: a new list of fields with expanded dimension """ assert(type(dim_new) == int), "dim_new must be int" # convert to lists if needed if type(npw_new) == int: npw_new = [npw_new] if type(boxl_new) == int: boxl_new = [boxl_new] if type(fields) == Field: field = [fields] fields_new = [] for field in fields: dim = field.dim assert(dim_new <= 3), "new dimension must be <= 3" assert(dim <= dim_new), "old dimension must be < new_dim" assert(len(boxl_new) == dim_new - dim), "boxl_new needed for each new dimension" assert(len(npw_new) == dim_new - dim), "boxl_new needed for each new dimension" assert(field.is_orthorhombic()), "field must be orthorhombic" nexpand = dim_new - dim npw = list(field.npw) boxl = list(np.diag(field.h)) for i in range(nexpand) : npw.append(npw_new[i]) boxl.append(boxl_new[i]) h = np.diag(boxl) if nexpand == 1: if dim_new == 2: data = np.tile(,(npw_new[0],1)).T if dim_new == 3: data = np.tile(,(npw_new[0], 1 ,1)).T if nexpand == 2: assert(dim_new == 3 and dim == 1), "only way to expand by 2 is from 1d to 3d" data = np.tile(,(npw_new[1], npw_new[0] ,1)).T #print(f"{npw = }, {h = } {data.shape = }") #breakpoint() fields_new.append(Field(npw=npw, h=h, data=data)) return fields_new
[docs] def compress_dimension(fields, dims_to_compress): """Convert a field to one of a lower dimension (e.g. 1d to 2d or 3d) Args: fields: list of field arguments dims_to_compress (list): dimensions to compress Returns: fields_new: a new list of fields with compressed dimension """ # if single entry, convert to list if type(fields) == Field: fields = [fields] elif type(fields) == list: pass else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type of fields {type(fields) = }") # now compress each field fields_new = [] for field in fields: assert(field.is_orthorhombic), "compress_dimension requires fields to be orthorhombic" # extract npw and h from preserved dimensions npw = [] h_diag = [] for idim in range(field.dim): if not (idim in dims_to_compress): h_diag.append(field.h[idim,idim]) npw.append(field.npw[idim]) h = np.diag(h_diag) # average data along dims to compress data = np.average(, axis=tuple(dims_to_compress)) # create new field fields_new.append(Field(npw=npw, h=h, data=data)) return fields_new